Leek Wootton Sports Club has existed in some form for over 135 years. Our grounds are set in the heart of the rural Parish of Leek Wootton.​
We have two simple aims:
1. To promote and provide opportunities to play, support or otherwise be involved in sport and
physical activity
2. To provide a space for members of the community to come together and enjoy the company
of their neighbours
In doing so we believe that we can make the club into a genuine ‘community asset’, one that people
right across Leek Wootton and the surrounding areas feel invested in and are proud of.

Brief History
Leek Wootton's first recorded cricket match was played against Stoneleigh on 3 August 1889. Unfortunately, the record shows that Leek Wootton lost that match, but from that inauspicious beginning, something special was born…
Whilst records are scarce from that early period (the earliest scorebook held by the club is from the
1937 season), we do know that cricket and other sports continued to be played on the ground.
Indeed, in June 1919 a meeting was held to consider how the Parish could honour those who lost
their lives in the First World War.
A decision was taken that a recreation ground would be a fitting memorial and so, at Easter 1921,
the land was transferred and the Leek Wootton War Memorial Recreation Ground came into being.
This was swiftly followed by another momentous decision at a public meeting on 14 April 1921 when
it was resolved that “a General Sports Club be formed to encourage and control sports in Leek
Wootton under conditions to be laid down by the War Memorial Trustees”.
Today Leek Wootton Sports Club continues to try and uphold the principles on which the club was
founded. We run football and cricket sections and host a wide variety of other clubs and societies.​